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ASAS DE SOCORRO, non-profit association, registered with the CNPJ under number 01.052.752/0001-69, with headquarters at Avenida Francisco Valois, Quadra 08, Lote 13, Setor Aeroporto Industrial, CEP: 75.104-280, Anápolis/GO, presents this Privacy and Personal Data Processing Policy with the purpose of demonstrating its commitment to privacy and the processing of personal and/or sensitive data of its users.

In compliance with the adjustments brought by the General Data Protection Law “LGPD” (Federal Law No. 13,709, 2018), we value the privacy of user information collected and stored from interactive services on our digital media or contact requests available here. Therefore, ASAS DE SOCORRO is committed to guaranteeing and preserving your privacy and the confidentiality of your information, as it is our desire to establish a lasting and trustworthy relationship.

By accepting our Privacy and Personal Data Processing Policy, you expressly grant your free, unequivocal and informed agreement with the terms stipulated here, authorizing the collection of personal data and information mentioned here, as well as their use for the purposes below specified. If you do not agree with these provisions, the user must discontinue access.

The data and the method of collection may vary depending on the product/service used, as well as the way the user uses and interacts with ASAS DE SOCORRO, whether they are a user or not. This information may still be obtained through a third party or business partner who has permission to share it with us.



We use cookies to improve performance and your user experience on our website. Therefore, below we will inform you in a clear and accessible way about the types, reasons and ways in which we use cookies.


Cookies are small text files that websites, applications, digital media and advertisements store in your browser or device to recognize them on future visits, helping to personalize your access and provide a better experience.

You can, at any time and at no cost, change permissions, block or refuse Cookies. You can also configure them on a case-by-case basis. However, revoking consent for certain Cookies may prevent the correct functioning of some features of our website.

To manage your browser's cookies, simply do so directly in your browser settings, in the Cookies management area.



Cookies are used to help determine the usefulness, interest and number of uses of websites, allowing faster and more efficient browsing and eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same information.



Our cookies have different functions:

Essential or necessary cookies – these are essential cookies that enable navigation on our website and access to all features. This category of cookies cannot be deactivated, as without them we cannot provide services, resulting in the deactivation of certain functionalities and features of the website.

Analytical cookies – these cookies allow us to analyze how our website is being accessed and used, as well as whether it is working correctly, based on information from your device and browsing habits. With this information we are able to maintain, operate and continually improve our resources. These cookies are used only for statistical creation and analysis purposes, without ever collecting personal information.

Regarding lifetime, the cookies used are:

Session or temporary cookies – They are temporary and remain in your browser until you leave the website. The information obtained allows you to identify problems and provide a better browsing experience.

All browsers allow the user to accept, refuse or delete cookies, namely by selecting the appropriate settings in the respective browser. Please note that, by disabling cookies, you may prevent some web services from functioning correctly, partially or completely affecting website navigation.

Please note that by disabling cookies, parts of our website may not function correctly.

For ASAS DE SOCORRO, privacy and trust are fundamental to our relationship with you. Therefore, we are always updating ourselves to maintain the highest security standards.

Therefore, we reserve the right to change this Cookies Policy at any time.




The information that may be collected to carry out our activities, as necessary, will be the following:
 registration  or  contact  data:  information  related  to  name,  civil identification  documents, address, telephone, email, registration with a trade body, among others;
Occupational or professional data: information related to the company you are linked to, position or function held, professional history, among others;
Transaction data: information related to transactions you have carried out with ASAS DE SOCORRO, services you have provided, among others;
Financial data: information related to bank or credit card details, to make a donation, among others;
Access data: connection cookies necessary to enable the basic functions of our website, such as navigation and page access;
Sensitive personal data: for legal or regulatory reasons or for security purposes, ASAS DE SOCORRO may collect and process certain sensitive personal data of yours, such as, for example, data that attests to the ability to perform functions and data collected in services provided through of the Association's programs.


The use of personal data may occur to meet the following purposes:

Registration of individuals such as: Volunteers, Candidate (Vacancies), Visitor, Employee, Service Provider and Supplier;
Processing of donations made;
Storage of data obtained in the mapping, diagnosis and training processes of local leadership and mobilization of volunteers in programs developed by ASAS DE SOCORRO;
Release access to the facilities of the ASAS DE SOCORRO Association;
Control of access to systems;
Manage and execute the routine operations of the ASAS DE SOCORRO Association
Promote social events and training;
Compliance with legal and regulatory obligations, as well as reporting to the National Data Protection Authority.
Newsletter and newsletter subscription;
Furthermore, for other purposes not provided for above, we may process personal data with your consent. In such cases, this Privacy and Data Processing Policy may be supplemented by specific terms and conditions, presented to you before we obtain your consent.

In relation to sensitive personal data, the processing of this data will be carried out strictly to comply with ASAS DE SOCORRO's legal and regulatory obligations, or to guarantee its security in the company's electronic identification and authentication processes and systems. Any processing of sensitive personal data beyond these hypotheses will only be carried out with your express consent (or as authorized by the LGPD).

In social projects with communities there are actions aimed at children and adolescents. For specific cases in which we use personal data from children (up to 12 years of age), their collection and processing will only occur with the specific and prominent consent of a parent or legal guardian.



ASAS DE SOCORRO may, when necessary, share your personal data with:
Service providers: as part of the ASAS DE SOCORRO operation, we use the services of some third-party providers (e.g. cloud service providers, law firms, etc.). As necessary, we will share your data with these third parties only to carry out the purposes described in this Privacy and Data Processing Policy;
Credit assessment companies, for authentication, fraud prevention and credit protection purposes;
Police authorities, government bodies, regulatory authorities, courts or other public authorities, for the strict fulfillment of legal or regulatory duties;
In the above cases, ASAS DE SOCORRO will not be obliged to obtain your consent prior to sharing.

If ASAS DE SOCORRO needs to send your information outside Brazil, we will adopt all necessary security measures, as well as ensuring that these transfers occur by concluding agreements with specific contractual clauses for this purpose or other guarantees provided for in applicable legislation.



The General Data Protection Law guaranteed data subjects certain rights in relation to personal information that is under the guardianship of ASAS DE SOCORRO, depending on the collections and treatments carried out, such as:

Obtain confirmation of the existence of processing and access to personal data processed by ASAS DE SOCORRO;
Request correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data;
Request the anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary, excessive or processed data that does not comply with legislation;
Know who we share your data with;
Revoke your consent, when your personal data is processed under this hypothesis, as well as request the deletion of data processed with consent, except for legal storage hypotheses.
In addition, you may exercise any other right granted by law. All requests will be made free of charge, and ASAS DE SOCORRO may request data that proves the identification of the holder, whether through confirmation of personal data, confirmation email or even in-person validation (in order to direct customer service). requests exclusively to the data subject)

To exercise your rights as a holder of personal data, simply send an email to



ASAS DE SOCORRO is committed to taking all types of administrative, technical and physical measures of a preventive nature in relation to security and privacy during the execution of its activities involving personal data, from training and awareness of employees, to the use of technologies advanced encryption and firewall.

All information provided by Users will be stored safely and completely, in a controlled, monitored and secure environment. The information obtained will be considered confidential and will only be accessed by people authorized by the ASAS DE SOCORRO Association and qualified to provide the most appropriate treatment.

However, you must also adopt appropriate security measures, including the use of software or applications capable of neutralizing any security incidents, viruses or other threats.

During your browsing, you must not carry out any illegal act against our Website or our servers, in such a way as to affect their integrity or cause any form of harm to other users who browse our Website. Any attempted or actual breach of security on our Website will be reported to the competent authorities, so that our collaboration is able to help them reveal their identity, and thus, such authority can impose the appropriate sanctions for their illicit acts.

If our website has links to third-party websites, it is possible that during your navigation you will be directed to these websites. In these cases, responsibility for the security and protection of your data will lie with the aforementioned third parties, so we recommend reading the terms of use, privacy and cookie policies of the respective websites.




 Personal  data  will  treated  by  ASSOCIAÇÃO  ASAS  DE  SOCORRO  in  terms  of applicable legislation, being retained, only in legal cases and, only for the period in which they are necessary to achieve specific and informed purposes, such as in the case of compliance with legal or regulatory obligations, in accordance with applicable provisions.

Data retention is also possible based on your consent, for the period of the contractual relationship and stored for the legal period required by current legislation.

We will only store and process your personal data as long as we have at least one purpose and a legal basis for doing so. Upon completion of the processing of your personal data, and there is no reason to retain it, we will delete your personal data securely and permanently.



We act in accordance with good practices in the digital market. Marketing or call center communications are only made to those who request to receive messages or who have previously contacted us.


The Data Protection Officer at ASAS DE SOCORRO is the person responsible for meeting the demands of personal data holders, as well as interacting with the National Data Protection Authority. Therefore, if any doubts arise, even after reading, or you need to interact with us on matters involving your personal data, send an email to and we will talk about your needs.



This Privacy Policy was prepared based on Law No. 13,709/2018 (General Personal Data Protection Law – “LGPD”), and must be governed and interpreted in accordance with Brazilian legislation, in the Portuguese language, with the Anápolis District Court being elected /GO, where the headquarters of ASAS DE SOCORRO are located to resolve any dispute or controversy involving this document, unless there is a specific exception regarding personal, territorial or functional competence by applicable legislation.

*ASAS DE SOCORRO reserves the right to modify, add or remove contents and parts of this policy at any time and at its sole discretion. Therefore, we recommend that the user/client reviews this policy periodically, including whenever they browse the website.

Last update of this Policy: July 1, 2022.

Security practices on the user's device are their own responsibility, our donation link is only available at

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Asas de Socorro is a Christian missionary organization. Non-profit, charitable, philanthropic, cultural, educational, religious, social assistance and human rights entity. It develops cultural, educational and health programs, especially in regions lacking transportation and communication. We provide logistical support for assistance programs developed in remote areas.

Deposit accounts

Ag: 0240 CC: 55508-8


Bank of Brazil:  
Ag: 3005-8 CC: 55263-1

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CNPJ Asas de Socorro

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Copyright © Asas de Socorro - 2022.  CNPJ: 01.052.752/0001-69

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