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GOOD NEWS | Abundant Life

"Make Him known wherever He places the soles of my feet"

The life and journey of Mateus, a missionary pilot mechanic in training.

The human paths drawn by our God of love and grace are truly amazing. Mateus Nascimento is living one of these journeys.

Here’s his story: He grew up in a riverside community, in a Christian home.

He is the third of five siblings and grew up in a place called Niterói, along the banks of the Madeira River.

As a child, Mateus loved watching the Asas de Socorro planes take off from the river, carrying missionaries to the farthest corners of the Amazon.

Today, Mateus is married, has left his home state, lives in Anápolis, GO, and is training to become a missionary pilot mechanic with Asas de Socorro.

The boy has grown into a man. God's dreams have become reality.

God's surprising and beautiful paths have led Mateus to a heart eager to make Him known wherever he sets foot—“whether through planes, maintenance, by boat, or on foot.”

Get to know a little more about Mateus' beautiful life story through this brief interview, and witness how the paths and love of Jesus are wonderful at all times.

1 - At what stage of pilot-mechanic training are you?

At the moment, I’m in aeronautical maintenance working on my (Airframe) certification, which is my final “theory” stage. I had already started part of this training at the Asas base in Porto Velho, and now, I’m continuing it at the base in Anápolis. By February of next year, I’ll have completed a year and a half of theoretical aeronautical maintenance. After 30 months of practical experience, I’ll be able to obtain my full mechanic's license.

2 - Why did you decide to train as a missionary pilot mechanic?

The decision came through God's timing and experiences. It wasn’t my decision, but Christ’s. God used people in my life to encourage and support me through their prayers.

At many points in my life, I made my own choices, which were not God's choices. But through His grace, He showed me His ways and placed dreams in my heart. Now I dream according to His purpose. His ways are higher and greater than mine. The Author of life has written the whole story. I just want to be an instrument in His hands for the praise of His glory.

3 - What are your dreams and desires?

My greatest dream and desire is to continue obeying God's commands, whether by sharing His love through planes, maintenance, by boat, or on foot.

My dream is to make Him known wherever He places the soles of my feet.

4 - What would you like to say to churches and people who don’t know about missionary aviation?

Go! Go! Go! There are so many peoples, villages, towns, communities, streets, cities, and individuals who still don’t know a God who saves and has the power to save. There are so many hearts still in need of a Savior. Blessings from God’s love and work. 

Life paths that bless and amaze. To Him be all honor and glory.

Join in. Get involved. Let yourself be guided and used by our God of love and salvation in Christ Jesus. Be part of the missionary work.


A Partnership That Blesses our hangar was filled with children and families.

We received a visit from the Pioneer Presbyterian Church of Anápolis at our base in Goiás.

Upon meeting the missionaries, our aircraft, and facilities, children and families were able to better understand the missionary work of Asas de Socorro, which takes God’s love and His word further.

See how the visit was for Agda...

Wonders of God's Kingdom among us.

“I went with my grandson and my husband to see up close the missionary work, the reality of the missionaries' life, and the lives of the servants of the Lord, in their needs and daily routines.

We saw that Asas de Socorro and its missionaries care for those who live far from us. These are people who fulfill the Lord's calling, obeying Him, leaving their homes to speak about God's word and His love.

At Asas de Socorro, we have missionaries who love and serve the people living in isolated places who are in great need of support and help.

My grandson, Cadu, was very curious when he saw the mission's aircraft. He asked many questions and wanted to know at what age he could start flying their planes.

For me, Asas de Socorro is made up of people who have heard the Lord's word and answered His calling. How would a missionary or pastor reach the most distant places? Asas de Socorro takes them.

I believe that being a pilot for Asas de Socorro must be one of the greatest privileges someone could have. Imagine arriving at a place that you can't reach by any other means, piloting a plane, and bringing with you a servant of God who will speak about Jesus and His love to those living in such isolated places.

It is an extraordinary privilege to make your profession a blessing in the Kingdom.

Everything in life has its easy and hard moments. May everything we do, be to serve the Giver of life and to make Him known, turning creatures into children of God.

Jesus is the essence of service. The Lord doesn't need us, but He gives us the privilege to serve Him. The partnership between church and mission is essential for the work to continue. We just need to open our hearts and serve Him. Those who follow the Lord's call do not regret it.”

Blessings of God's love and His self-revelation.

Agda got to know our mission, our missionaries, and their daily lives.

She was blessed, and she has blessed us.

Come and see our mission up close too.

Schedule a visit to come and visit us or to have one of our missionaries visit your church.

Get involved. Get in touch.

As Agda says, "the partnership between church and mission is fundamental."

Together, we live God's Kingdom here and there, today and forever, until He comes!


✈️ 62 Different destinations

👥 627 Passengers

🧳 35.538 Kg of cargo transported

📌 441,2 Hours of flights completed


"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." Psalm 119:105

In a community in the Amazon, in Manaus, teachers of Bible schools were trained by our missionary Cida Oliveira to ensure that God’s word is effectively taught to the new generation of children in the Amazon.

Blessings of God’s love among us and the fruits of the missionary ministry, which has various areas of action through our multidisciplinary team of missionaries, volunteers, and collaborators.

Local pastor Luiz Bellan, from the Fonte de Vida Presbyterian Congregation, in the Bela Vista neighborhood, Puraquequara region, Manaus, where the training for teachers took place, states that:

“The training provided tools that will help with evangelism through the use of an appropriate methodology for teaching children. In addition, during the training days, the importance of all who teach God's word being good examples was emphasized, being a positive influence for the children, modeling the Christian life, living together, serving with joy, and following moral and ethical values in the way they dress, live, act, and speak."

Much more than teaching, it is living God’s love, with actions and words.

What a blessing to see teachers trained and children learning the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a clear and true way.

Join Us. Be a volunteer in the projects that take place in Manaus and the riverside communities of the Amazon. Support with resources to enable missionary journeys to take place. Together, so that many may be blessed.



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Asas de Socorro is a Christian missionary organization. Non-profit, charitable, philanthropic, cultural, educational, religious, social assistance and human rights entity. It develops cultural, educational and health programs, especially in regions lacking transportation and communication. We provide logistical support for assistance programs developed in remote areas.

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