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GOOD NEWS | Greetings with Love

Missionary Flights enable transportation and Bible Translation.

When you need to take a course, you usually travel by subway, car, bus, or on foot. You go and return on the same day, continuing your daily routine without major difficulties, right?

Furthermore, when you want to read the Bible, you can access it in print or on your phone, in your native language—Portuguese—in the translation that resonates most with you.

Easy, quick, practical, and a blessing—really of modern life in our cities and routines.

But accessing and reading the Bible isn't always this simple.

For those living in remote areas of the Amazon, traveling and reading the Bible in their own language can be a significant challenge—neither easy nor quick.

However, even in the face of these difficulties, wonders happen. People from different backgrounds and experiences come together to make transportation possible and to translate the Bible into indigenous languages.

Marvels of God’s Kingdom among us.

Next, read the account of a missionary flight that facilitated transportation and supported the Bible translation for an indigenous language, bringing blessings to those living in distant regions.


Marcos Baughman, one of our missionary pilots, departed from Porto Velho, where one of our operational bases is located. He took off in our aircraft and flew to a community deep in the Amazon to pick up four indigenous people who would participate in a Bible translation course for the book of Nehemiah for their on language.

The indigenous participants stayed in the city for about 25 days, being trained and translating the biblical book into their mother tongue through a course by the mission Além.

When the translation course was completed, Marcos flew the participants back to their village, a journey of about two hours.

It’s a blessing to be able to transport the indigenous people and make Bible translation possible. This time, it was even more beautiful to see the unity of the churches and God’s provision.

In the villages, men usually fish and hunt to feed their families. The churches in Porto Velho came together and donated food baskets for the families of the indigenous participants who left the village for a few weeks to attend the course. This ensured their families had food and well-being while they were in the city studying and translating the Bible.

On the trip to the village, I brought the food baskets and picked up the indigenous participants, transporting them to the city. Later, I took them back when the course ended. The book of Nehemiah is being translated for this people. Blessings from God!”

Missionary pilots, indigenous brothers and sisters, churches, families, missionary mechanics, supporters, and intercessors—all united like a cord of many strands—ensuring people are rescued, transported, and transformed.

These are visible realities of God’s love, which overcomes barriers and enables a full life. The body of Christ united, with His love transforming us.

Learn more about missionary flights.


  • 62 Destinations

  • 627 Passengers

  • 35.538 tons of Cargo Transported

  • 441.2 Flight Hours


Have you ever imagined what it would be like to leave the comfort of the city to live deep in the forest? It’s a challenge, a mission, and certainly an opportunity to experience countless blessings.

Did you know that, at this very moment, three young women are living in the forest as missionary translators, dedicating their lives to translating the book of Ruth?


Lídia, Luíza, and Daniela are three young missionaries who left behind the life many of us know to embrace the adventures and challenges God prepared for His servants.

With joy and perseverance, they have renounced personal dreams and remain steadfast in pursuing the one who conquered death: Jesus Christ.

We had the privilege of serving them, ensuring they reached the place God called them to safely.

Below, learn more about these three young missionaries from YWAM (Youth With A Mission), who have much to teach us about faith and love.

Women of Faith and Love

“I, Luiza, and Daniela are very grateful to Asas de Socorro.

Our first entry into the community was on June 23, 2023, with a pilot of Asas de Socorro. We landed directly on the village’s airstrip with a land-based aircraft. The mix of joy and anxiety was intense, as we didn’t know what our time among the people would be like.

By God’s grace, we were surprised by the hospitality and generosity of this community. We became part of a body that fishes together, plants together, and worships the one living God together.

For us, our time among these people has been one of great personal growth and discovery of new facets of the God who loves all and desires to be known and worshiped by all.

When we could no longer land directly in the village, we made a boat trip in June.

We traveled by bus from Porto Velho to Lábrea. From Lábrea, we took a large boat to the mouth of the Tapauá River, where we hired a smaller boat that, in two days, brought us to the nearest creek to our destination. There, our friends were waiting, and after five hours on a smaller boat, we reached our little home in the village. The journey was exhausting, taking five days and a few hours to complete.

Fortunately, on our last trip, we came in an amphibious aircraft from Asas de Socorro on October 17, which made the journey much quicker and more pleasant.

We continue our work here with Sunday worship, informal discipleship, and translating the book of Ruth, knowing the Lord is most interested in revealing Himself in this place.

During this time in the forest, we have learned to love God and our neighbor more, to practice generosity, to enjoy time with the people, and also that missionary life is full of sacrifices.

Our message to the reader is this: Do not judge the new; love the people; believe in what God is speaking through other organizations and missions, even if it’s different from what you know. Believe and encourage the youth.

"We are three young women who, although seemingly alone in the forest, have the best protector of all, who takes care of each one of us, gives us courage, and surrounds us with people walking with us in prayer.”

Blessings from the Living God.

Who performs wonders and miracles, and allows us to experience the extraordinary.

For Asas de Socorro, it is a privilege to serve people like Lídia, Luíza, and Daniela—servants of the living God, who love and care for every detail.


  • March 16-22

  • April 6-12

  • May 18-24

  • June 22-28

  • July 13-21

  • August 17-23

Contribute, participate in our projects. God’s love is being shared with those living in the most remote places!



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Asas de Socorro is a Christian missionary organization. Non-profit, charitable, philanthropic, cultural, educational, religious, social assistance and human rights entity. It develops cultural, educational and health programs, especially in regions lacking transportation and communication. We provide logistical support for assistance programs developed in remote areas.

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Ag: 3005-8 CC: 55263-1

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