A Story of Love and a Life of Struggles
Mrs. Eneida is one of the victims of the floods in Rio Grande do Sul. She is undoubtedly one of those loved by God, the God who sees human affliction and daily struggles.
Miraculously, by God's grace, Mrs. Eneida and her son were rescued in their time of distress and transported by our aircraft and team, who were in Rio Grande do Sul providing aid.
How It All Happened Amidst the Rains!
Last week Mrs. Eneida and her son Marcelo, who was diagnosed with autism at a young age, needed to leave Rio Grande do Sul and go to Brasília to reunite with family and stay with them during this challenging time for the region.
However, leaving Rio Grande do Sul was a major challenge for Mrs. Eneida. How could she manage the trip alone as a 77-year-old woman, with her autistic son who requires special care? Long hours on a bus or commercial flight were daunting. How could she leave a place of anguish and find safety with her family?
It was difficult, but God provided an unexpected solution.
Our aircraft and pilots were in Rio Grande do Sul and were able to transport Mrs. Eneida and her son to Anápolis, a city near Brasília. In Anápolis, her family was waiting for her as soon as our aircraft landed.
Difficult Days, Days of Rain, Tears, Losses, and Pleas. Also, Days of Rescue. Acts of Love, and God's Care for the Afflicted.
In Mrs. Eneida's words, a bit of her story, which we had the privilege to be part of, "I am here, battling through life, a life of struggles. I was a teacher. I retired to take care of my children. I worked all day, but I decided to stop because my children needed me more than anyone else. I fought my whole life to care for my 'Tarzans.' I had Marcelinho, with problems since birth. I fought, fought, fought, and did everything possible for him.
With the rains in Rio Grande do Sul, Pelotas, where I live it is terrible. The Guaíba River extends there through the Lagoa dos Patos. It's dreadful, it entered my house, and I couldn't stay there. I took what I could. My son, who lives in Brasília, invited me to come live with him.
You can't give up easily. You need to have grit. You have to fight. I've been fighting for 74 years. I always fought since I was a child. Fighting, fighting, fighting, to get where I wanted. And I did, thank God. God achieved His victory."
Tears that turn into smiles and hugs. Blessings of the Lord in our midst. Praise His name forever.

Privilege to Serve, in Difficult Days and in the Most Surprising Ways.
In Rio Grande do Sul, our aircraft and pilots were able to transport medicine and food to those in need. Our volunteer, Luzia Luciana de Oliveira, is also in Rio Grande do Sul providing medical care as a nursing technician with a team from AME (Evangelical Missionary Association) and Doctors of Christ, in partnership with the Brazilian Evangelical Alliance.
According to Luciana, in Rio Grande do Sul, she has experienced the grace of being part of the body, "being 'little Christs,' and evangelizing through hugs and care, where welcoming has been the Father's care amidst so many difficulties". Blessings of the Lord, in serving. Challenges and transformations.
80.4 flight hours completed
117 passengers transported
4,087 kg of cargo delivered
23 different destinations served

Meet one of our volunteers, Leandro Nobre. He traveled with us to the riverside communities and, as he says, he left with a refreshed soul.
Why did you come on this missionary trip? And what were your goals?
I came on this missionary trip to Manaus for the expedition through the UFPB (Federal University of Paraíba) project Odonto em Campo, of which I am part of the team. My intention was to practice dentistry, grow as a professional, and, above all, as a human being.
I wanted to know new realities and have the opportunity to experience the Amazon, a place I always admired through nature and animal program. Experiencing all this in the largest forest on the planet was a dream come true.

What was your routine like upon arriving in Manaus?
Before arriving at the Asas de Socorro base, our team treated Venezuelan refugee children at the NGO Hermanitos, also in Manaus. In the late afternoon, we headed to the Asas de Socorro hangar and, after a night traveling, we arrived in Murutinga and started working.
From Monday to Saturday morning, we stayed on the boat, which was equipped to offer dental services. I was responsible for dental health education, giving lectures in schools, groups for young people and children, and distributing toothpaste, brushes, and dental floss.
In addition, I was in charge of home visits with the medical and dental team, ensuring that even those who could not get to the clinics on the boat could receive the necessary care.
We served four communities. At the end of the day, I attended to patients who were in line. It was days of much work and exhaustion, but also of many exchanges and learning.
What touched you most about this missionary experience?
What touched me the most was the riverside population. They are beautiful people, but often forgotten. Even though we delivered quality dentistry, many times we could only do the basics, and that broke my heart.

However, I learned from dear nurse Agnes - the health coordinator of the boat team - that we did our best for those socially vulnerable people. They are used to being invisible, but we treated them with love, respect, humanization, and professionalism. That made all the difference for them.
How do you feel today after the trip? What remains in your heart, and what would you say to others who haven't had this experience?
Today, I feel like a happier and more experienced Leandro. I'm happy to have experienced the Amazon, to feel useful to people, and for everything to have gone so well.
I feel that God opened all the ways for this to happen. I didn't go to the Amazon alone; I had many family and friends who helped me embark on this journey, and I am very grateful for that.
For those who have never had this experience, I would say they should seek experiences like this in life. Seek to help, learn, live great emotions, work hard, be touched, and also helped. It's a transformative experience that is worth it.
Did you have any fears about going?
I wasn't afraid, but I prepared well for the trip. Although the Amazon is a vast place full of challenges, both in terms of logistics and health, I had a very organized structure from Odonto em Campo and Asas de Socorro.

What drives you to serve?
Making a difference in people's lives and, consequently, in my own. I believe that, as a healthcare professional, I have the responsibility to use my knowledge and skills to help those who need it most.
Additionally, the exchange of experiences and mutual learning that occur in volunteer situations are extremely enriching.
How was it to use your profession in such a different context?
It was challenging and gratifying at the same time because we had to adapt techniques and approaches to local conditions and the specific needs of the riverside communities. This reinforced the importance of our mission and made me value my profession even more.
How were the daily devotionals held with the team on the boat?
The devotionals were always moments of unity and brotherhood.
We heard sacred stories and remembered that today's challenges also require faith and courage. It was important to keep our purpose in mind. Health is not just physical but also spiritual.
Our last meeting on the boat was emotional. Everyone shared their stories, and everyone was moved. I was one of the most emotional when sharing my experience. Literally, I left with a refreshed soul.

“Asas cannot exist without the Church.” - Carlos Más, Executive Director of Asas de Socorro.
Our team of missionaries and our executive director, Pastor Carlos Más, constantly visit churches across Brazil, from various denominations, to share about the Mission of God's Kingdom and the missionary work of Asas de Socorro.
Would you like to receive a visit from our team, to be blessed by hearing about the blessings God has accomplished and be even more motivated to participate in the work?
Contact us. It will be a blessing to visit your church and meet the brothers and sisters. After all, the union between the Church and the Mission is fundamental, as Pastor Carlos Más shares below.
Read the testimony of our Executive Director and be inspired to celebrate together!
Church and Mission - Two Rivers That Meet and Celebrate Together the Great Works of the Lord!
“There is no Mission without the Church. Asas de Socorro without the Church is just another organization producing aid projects. But, with the Church, it is a transforming agent that proclaims, a transforming agent that announces the Kingdom of God.

The church is truly fundamental in missionary work. What would we be without the Church's prayers, participation, contributions, and the called ones in the church? The Church is extremely essential to the existence of Asas de Socorro.
The proclaiming church, this church with outstretched hands, this church with a compassionate, loving heart, which is the heart of the Lord Jesus.
Like two rivers that travel great distances and at some point meet in their trajectories, so are the Church and Asas. Each has its trajectory and characteristics, but when we are together, we celebrate the deeds of the Lord, His glory, and His wonders.
When we meet in the Church, we meet to celebrate together what God is doing throughout the Earth. It is a time to come together and celebrate the works of the Lord. Those who send and those who are sent celebrating God's movement.
My invitation to the churches is for us to celebrate together the meeting of the waters of the Spirit. It is our pleasure to go to church and share with the brothers and sisters what God has done in us and through Asas de Socorro for His glory."
Let's celebrate the great deeds of the Lord together. Shall we meet? It will be a great blessing. Contact us.
Church and Asas, celebrating together the great deeds of the Lord.