September 2024 Newsletter - Asas de Socorro
What a privilege it is to serve our Lord and Savior! Through the work He has given us, we can glorify His name and be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. That’s why, regardless of the circumstances, we have good news to share.

There is nothing better in life than witnessing God's love working in us, through us, and for us. The testimony of one of our volunteers, Juliana Maia, shows how wonderful it is to love others and be loved by God, experiencing the amazing works of the Lord Jesus Christ in our lives and daily routines.
In July, Juliana volunteered on one of our mission trips to the riverside communities of the Amazon. Alongside a team of doctors, dentists, teachers, evangelists, and pastors—all volunteers—Juliana served others and discovered that "God chooses limited people, like you and me, to show that nothing is about us, but everything is about Him."
How marvelous and surprising are the ways of the Lord. He performs wonders. In the life of our mission and in Juliana’s life, He works in ways that leave us always grateful and in awe.
Just look at this… Juliana was very afraid of flying and never imagined being a volunteer in the interior of the Amazon. She lives in Joinville, in the south of the country. For her, flying and then spending many hours on a boat to serve a riverside community was completely out of the question.
But God makes different plans, far better than our own on our journey and mission, doesn’t He?
Juliana shares more with us:
"I always thought the work of missionaries was beautiful, but I never thought it was for me. I would hear about it, found it very touching, but the idea of participating in a mission trip never crossed my mind.
I’m a very homey person; I like staying in my comfort zone and don’t enjoy traveling, especially due to fear. So, I would say with great certainty that I would never fly. My husband, Fabrício, went on two mission trips with Asas de Socorro, and I supported him, but I never had the desire to join him.

But one day, after Fabrício returned from his second trip with Asas, in 2023, he invited me to join him in 2024. At first, I thought, ‘No way,’ but I told him I would think about it, and that’s when everything changed. God began calling me to that mission trip, and I’m certain of it because God’s calling is unmistakable.
However, even though I was willing, we needed a miracle, as we didn’t have the resources. And once again, God provided. We began to see God opening doors, and the resources came in. The three of us went—my husband, our 12-year-old daughter Carolina, and me."
God removes fear, opens doors, and unites hearts in the purpose of serving and proclaiming His word.
This is how it is every day in our mission and in Juliana’s life.
Juliana continues to share with us:
"From the day I said yes to the Lord, my life turned upside down, in the best way possible. Everything I used to think was important no longer was. I understood that the calling is for all of us, not just a specific group. Whether it's across the street or on the other side of the world, we need to go. God hasn’t called us to stay comfortable on the couch.
We’ve received a gift from God—the forgiveness of our sins and eternal life. We can’t keep this gift just for ourselves. The same God who transformed my life and my family’s life wants to transform other lives, but how will they hear if no one preaches?
I learned so much from this mission trip experience, but what marked me most was realizing that God gives us the courage we need each day. You don’t have to worry about everything all at once because God will equip you day by day. He works through our weaknesses to show His power.
All I can say is that it’s a privilege to participate in His work. There’s nothing more fulfilling than that. Even though I had never imagined myself on a mission trip, while I was there, I felt I was in the right place. I can say it was the greatest experience with God I’ve ever had in my life. He showed me that every day it’s Him who sustains us. All we need to do is say yes."
Blessings from the Kingdom of God. Hallelujah! The wonders of the Lord!
The Mission Transforms Us.
The experiences of our volunteers, missionaries, and team glorify our God and allow His Kingdom to grow in us and through us.
Thank you so much for your partnership, support, and prayers.
✈️ 21.8 flight hours completed
👥 19 passengers transported
🧳 2,245 kg of cargo delivered
📌 9 different destinations

At our Boa Vista base, flights remain limited. Please pray that God's will may be fulfilled. At our other bases, activities are proceeding as normal.
Thanks to the generous support of various people and churches, we have been able to expand our activities, keep some aircraft operational, and develop new projects to reach even more lives with the love of Christ. Every donation and prayer have been essential to the growth and sustainability of our mission.
We are deeply grateful for all that God has done. May we continue united and strengthened to take the Gospel to the most remote places.

Day by day, we see progress in the maintenance of the PT-LOO aircraft. After a long wait for parts and facing some other challenges, the overhaul of PT-LOO is now well underway.
Several phases have already been completed, and the wings have also been attached to the aircraft—blessings from God. Many stages still need to be completed, but the process is moving forward.
As Pastor Fabiano, the Workshop Manager, says: "An aircraft that had been grounded with slow maintenance is now in full restoration. Thank God, we are making progress, and we are happy with that."
Please pray, praising the Lord for these achievements, and asking for the successful completion of this aircraft and the start of other projects, such as the restoration of the PR-IPD.
With gratitude for your continued support,
Asas de Socorro Team