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Newsletter | Fruits in the Kingdom of God

The joy of a Father and the journey of a Missionary

Nilson is a missionary mechanic. He left his job in a hospital equipment maintenance company to serve God in the ministry of missionary aviation. For 16 years in Wings of Relief, Nilson is moved when he thinks of his children.

Nilson’s two sons, Nathan and Daniel, are in the Christian ministry, doing seminary. Nathan, 22, wants to be a pastor and Daniel, 20, a missionary1. They both want to serve the Lord, with their professions and life.

When he remembers his sons, Nilson cries with joy and emotion. Mechanic, with experience in maintenance at the various Wings of Relief bases and also in the USA, in partner missions, Nilson leaves all the technique aside and does not hold back the tears when he remembers that his sons are walking with the Lord. It is the joy of a father, who left everything to serve the Father, and is now reaping the best fruits of this land.

“I worked as an electronics technician in Brasilia, while serving in the church, working with young people and in Sunday school.

One day, at a missionary conference, I heard about the need for missionary technicians in electronics at Wings of Relief. God then directed everything. I quit my job, was sent by my church, did the specialized aircraft mechanic course in avionics at Wings of Relief and so far God has taken care of everything.

We live in dependence on God and happy to be serving the Kingdom. Even though I am flawed, God has used me and my family to be useful in his Kingdom. He doesn’t need me, but He has used me to help. I am happy to be able to be useful, with my gifts and talents.

God is the one who raises and sustains. We exercise our faith in dependence on Him and, although there are difficult situations, He gives us strength and encouragement to continue. Our dream is to continue serving the Lord, and his Kingdom, wherever He sends us, until the end.

When I remember my sons, Nathan and Daniel, I get emotional because, as the apostle John says, there is no greater joy than seeing my children walking in the truth.”

God is good, and his faithfulness lasts forever!

This month of February, Nilson completed 16 years at Wings of Relief. With his wife, Milena, and children, he has lived the challenges of the missionary journey, but, at the same time, has reaped the best fruits of this life. Serving the Lord and being cared for and loved by Him.

Get Involved

At Asas de Socorro, we need technical staff, specialized in various areas of mechanics, aviation, administration and communication.

Come and use your gifts and talents to take God’s love further!


Missionary trips are a blessing, for those who participate and for the people of the communities who are served.

This year, we will have several opportunities for you to participate in the missionary trips with our team, through the riverside communities of the Amazon.

You will surely return home like our volunteers, who always tell us: “I went thinking I was going to bless, but who was blessed was me.”

Blessings of the Kingdom of God, where serving is better than being served. Join us!

March - 10 to 16

May - 19 to 25

June - 9 to 15

July - 14 to 22

August - 18 to 24

October - 21 to 28

The needs of the people in the communities, and the logistics of the missionary trips, are diverse. Professionals in the areas of health, education, social assistance, evangelism, integral care for the human being and the environment are a blessing for many. If you are from any of these areas, or want to serve with your gifts and talents, come and join us in the missionary work.


The work is in full swing at the Wings of Relief Aircraft Workshop. New parts for the aircraft arrived at the beginning of this year and, after the whole process of checking and cataloging, they are ready for use in the maintenance of the planes that carry out the missionary flights.

In 2024, in addition to regular maintenance, our mechanics will work to rebuild two aircraft, so that they can be used in the future to increase the quantity and quality of missionary flights.

These days in February, the focus of the maintenance team is on one of the aircraft, the PT-LOO, which has already had its engine fully restored. The next step will be to optimize the passenger seats.

God’s blessings to restore the aircraft and carry out the missionary flights. Together, we take God’s love further. With Him, by Him and for Him are all things.





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Asas de Socorro is a Christian missionary organization. Non-profit, charitable, philanthropic, cultural, educational, religious, social assistance and human rights entity. It develops cultural, educational and health programs, especially in regions lacking transportation and communication. We provide logistical support for assistance programs developed in remote areas.

Deposit accounts

Ag: 0240 CC: 55508-8


Bank of Brazil:  
Ag: 3005-8 CC: 55263-1

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