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Newsletter | Words of Hope

Flights that bring comfort.

“I landed the amphibious plane on the river and my passengers started to cry. It was hard to focus. I heard the crying of my passengers and the people by the river. My passengers were arriving for a funeral of a person in the village who had been bitten by a snake and passed away. Everyone’s heart was very heavy. I saw sadness and hopelessness in their eyes.” Marcos Baughman, Missionary Pilot

Touching and difficult experiences happen to missionary pilots. Marcos Baughman had one of them recently on one of his flight with our amphibious aircraft, which lands on both land and water. Marcos is a missionary pilot with Asas de Socorro, who lives in Porto Velho, and transports indigenous people, missionaries, and riverside dwellers when they need to reach communities deep in the forest.

In Marcos' words, he talks a little about the fascinating life of a missionary pilot, and the hope that comes from our Lord and Savior Jesus.


“I am the third generation of missionary pilots in my family. My maternal and paternal grandparents were missionary pilots. My father and my uncle were also missionary pilots. But it was not easy to become a pilot. When I was little, I used to get very sick when flying in a plane, or even when riding in a car or bus. I had a lot of nausea. But gradually God healed me, using my weakness to teach me to be humble. It wasn’t because I was the son and grandson of pilots that I could be proud. I needed to be humble, leave everything in God’s hands, depend on Him, and not rest on my relatives’ experience.


I grew up seeing the airplane being a useful tool to bless people. In my heart, I have a great passion for supporting missionaries who work on translating the Bible into indigenous languages. From personal experience, I know that when we hear the Bible in our own language, the word of God has a greater impact on our lives and hearts.


I experienced something that touched me deeply recently. On one of my flights, it was very difficult to concentrate when landing on the river with the amphibious plane. My passengers were crying a lot, and their crying was very sad. My passengers, indigenous people, were going to a burial in the village and were very shaken.

We christians have hope for eternal life. We cry, but we have hope. The crying of my passengers was hard to hear. We need to support the work of missionaries in these communities. We need to share with people about our hope for eternal life. Our life is not limited to this earthly experience. May everyone have hope in heaven.”


In his recent missionary flight, Marcos took the indigenous people to the village where there was a funeral for their relative. Then, he took them back to their home villages. It’s a blessing to transport people who need help, whether in difficult times or joyful moments.


In the midst of the forest, there is the crying of those who need help, a word of hope, a hug, a friend. Jesus Christ is our greatest help. May His Kingdom of love grow and expand in us and through us. May we show God’s love and share the words of eternal life.

Missionary flights bring hope and support those in need.


Be a port of this ministry as well. Support the missionary flights of Asas de Socorro. In the midst of the forest many need help.


At the heart of the journey.

“In every life story, we can place the story of Jesus. He lived our story and shared our pains.” Cida Oliveira, Missionary.

Cida is the leader of our children’s ministry during missionary trips. She is an educator, missionary with Asas de Socorro, and tells stories to the children of riverside communities. She loves teaching the Bible to children. For her, “the only way to transform a human being is through the word of Christ.”

About her experiences, Cida shares:

“During the trips we have time and opportunities to tell Biblical stories, to look into the eyes, to listen to the stories of the people from the communities, to know their cries for help, their doubts, and a bit of their lives. Far beyond teaching, we learn a lot from the community members. It’s wonderful. The word of God frees children from traumas and heals the soul. When a child knows the true love of God, they understand that they are loved. I believe in the power of the word to transform the lives of children and adults. It was the word of God that transformed my own life. In everyone’s story, we can place the story of Jesus.”


  • 62 flights conducted

  • 129 passengers transported

  • 5.305 kg of cargo delivered

  • 21 different destinations

One of the special moments of the annual MEVA Conference in March 2024 was the dedication of the New Testament in the Yanomami Ninam language. Asas de Socorro, ALEM, and other partners, were present.

Carole Swain dedicated more than 40 years of her life to this work, and for 13 years had the participation of Jacqueline Santos and Maria Rosa Monte. The copies printed by the Brazilian Bible Society (SBB) is being delivered to the people, and we should pray that the Word of God, in due time, produces its fruits.


We celebrate the approval of ANAC in the process related to PT-CVR, one of the aircraft used by our Aviation School. The maintenance was carried out in accordance with regulations, and now the plane is ready to resume its activities with total safety and efficiency.

In addition, we are happy to continue our work on third-party aircraft and partner missions, performing annual reviews and 50-hour maintenance.

As for the restorations of the aircraft, PR-IPD and PT-LOO, we are waiting for the arrival of some parts. We ask that you pray for these restorations and also that God blesses us with resources so that we can buy the remaining parts.





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Asas de Socorro is a Christian missionary organization. Non-profit, charitable, philanthropic, cultural, educational, religious, social assistance and human rights entity. It develops cultural, educational and health programs, especially in regions lacking transportation and communication. We provide logistical support for assistance programs developed in remote areas.

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Ag: 3005-8 CC: 55263-1

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