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Anápolis/GO, July 23, 2024.

The ASSOCIAÇÃO ASAS DE SOCORRO issues this notice to clarify the recent events regarding the aerial operations carried out in the Northern Region of the country. We also ask for prayers so that these missions may continue with God's blessing.

The Federal Government, through Joint Ordinance FUNAI/SESAI Nº 1, dated January 30, 2023, established the procedures for accessing Yanomami Lands to preserve the health and integrity of the indigenous people. Therefore, access to and contact with the Yanomami land and people, as well as the aerial operations of ASAS DE SOCORRO and the support and assistance actions for the Yanomami people and partners, depend on authorization and regulation by FUNAI.

Following a meeting held in conjunction with the Government House on April 16, 2024, and the receipt of a summons from ANAC to provide information and present documents related to ASAS DE SOCORRO operations, we have been working to meet all of ANAC's requests as well as FUNAI's guidelines. Our commitment, based on our biblical principles, dedication, and effort, is to provide our services by demonstrating that we have and can provide all the required documents without any irregularities, illegalities, or unlawful actions.

However, these procedures and the need to await FUNAI's internal processes have affected the pace of ASAS DE SOCORRO work. In addition to addressing the technical aviation issues, we must wait for evaluations and decisions from FUNAI/Government House. We know that the slowdown in our operations also impacts our partners and, most importantly, the Yanomami people, who need our service and love the most. The potential delays in obtaining authorizations and the uncertainty of the situation lead to constant changes in operations, causing anxiety regarding departures and arrivals in the villages, difficulties in delivering supplies to the indigenous people on time, and stress for those who cannot leave or return to their homes.

For these reasons, we ask that the People of God pray for our work and for the Yanomami people.

We also clarify that ASAS DE SOCORRO will not cease operations in Roraima, that operations are active, and that the base team is always available. We will do our utmost to meet the needs of our partners and serve both the partners and the indigenous people with all love and care.

We inform you that all the information in this notice reflects the current reality, no more, no less. We advise the entire Evangelical and Indigenous Community that, in case of any doubts about the events and actions of ASAS DE SOCORRO and its partners, they should reach out to the official communication channels of the organizations.

We count on your prayers and support for the glory of God,

Glauco Pereira

Executive Director of Asas de Socorro


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Asas de Socorro is a Christian missionary organization. Non-profit, charitable, philanthropic, cultural, educational, religious, social assistance and human rights entity. It develops cultural, educational and health programs, especially in regions lacking transportation and communication. We provide logistical support for assistance programs developed in remote areas.

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