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We've been awarded the Doar Seal for the fourth consecutive year.

The Doar Seal certifies the transparency and quality of our management.

The aspects evaluated by the Doar Seal include cause and strategy, governance, accounting and finance, management, human resources, funding strategy, communication, accountability, and transparency. According to Stephen Kanitz, creator of the Efficient Good award, the Doar seal 'helps the donor decide,' as it demonstrates which organizations conduct their work with quality and transparency.




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Asas de Socorro is a Christian missionary organization. Non-profit, charitable, philanthropic, cultural, educational, religious, social assistance and human rights entity. It develops cultural, educational and health programs, especially in regions lacking transportation and communication. We provide logistical support for assistance programs developed in remote areas.

Deposit accounts

Ag: 0240 CC: 55508-8


Bank of Brazil:  
Ag: 3005-8 CC: 55263-1

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CNPJ Asas de Socorro

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Copyright © Asas de Socorro - 2022.  CNPJ: 01.052.752/0001-69

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