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missionary trip with riverside dwellers in Amazonas
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Help and support in the most distant places.

God's love in the form of an airplane.

The missionaries, who live in the interior of the Amazon, need our flights to reach their homes, in indigenous villages.

There would be days and days of canoe travel, through the interior of the forest, taking risks and spending days navigating the rivers and walking through the forests.

A lot of physical exhaustion, a lot of danger to be faced in the jungle.

Very difficult to get home!

But, thanks to missionary planes and pilots, everything is easier and possible.

God's blessing in the skies of the Amazon!
It's a blessing for everyone.
So come with us!

I Project

Missionary Flights

“If Wings of Help
did not exist, that
It would be difficult!”

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missionary trips
missionary aviation airplane
missionary aviation indigenous riverside plane
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Support our flights.
Since 1955, we have been flying through the skies of the Amazon, transporting missionaries and God's love.

Our planes provide full support to missionaries living in villages.

We take food, medicine, and everything else necessary for the missionaries’ work.

We recently took a tractor on board our plane to facilitate maintenance work on the aircraft landing strip.

The runways make it possible for planes to reach villages, bringing teams of missionaries and health teams.

Blessing for the lives of indigenous people and missionaries who live in the villages.

Participate! Support missionary flights in a very special way.

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Make your donation!

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Donate with PIX right now!

Point your camera at the QRCode
and donate via PIX.

CNPJ: 01.052.752/0001-69
Wings of Help

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It is important that at the end of your donation you add: R$ 0.10 – FUEL BANK

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Asas de Socorro is a Christian missionary organization. Non-profit, charitable, philanthropic, cultural, educational, religious, social assistance and human rights entity. It develops cultural, educational and health programs, especially in regions lacking transportation and communication. We provide logistical support for assistance programs developed in remote areas.

Deposit accounts

Ag: 0240 CC: 55508-8


Bank of Brazil:  
Ag: 3005-8 CC: 55263-1

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CNPJ Asas de Socorro

for contact

Copyright © Asas de Socorro - 2022.  CNPJ: 01.052.752/0001-69

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