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clean water
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We operate in
28 communities, benefiting around 1100 people.

The Clean Water for Curumins Project began its activities in 2013, providing access to drinking water for the population of distant riverside communities, and contributing to the socio-environmental development of riverside communities.

Our actions encourage the sustainable management of water resources; consumption of drinking water; the treatment of waste and solid waste and a better quality of life for the riverside population who live in difficult to access places, in the interior of Amazonas.

I Project

Clean water

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clean water for riverside people
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In our project, we work with educational mobilization of groups and search for resources for sustainable programs.

The communities in the region have received us warmly and with a great willingness to work in partnership to develop and improve the local quality of life.

MEAP (Evangelical Mission of Assistance to Fishermen) has been an important partner in the development of the Clean Water Project for Curumins. 

We are grateful to the Lord for the relationships built in each unique community!

Riverside communities - Lots of water, but not always water suitable for consumption…

On the Purus River, in the interior of the state of Amazonas, where Asas de Socorro develops the Clean Water for the Curumins Project, Traveling even small distances is always a challenge.

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Eunice Bueno, superintendent of the transformative integral development department of Asas de Socorro, knows the reality of communities on the Purus River well and reports:
“If someone is bitten by a snake in a community on the Purus River, and needs to be taken to another community to be helped, this transportation can take hours or days. It's all very far away and we were only able to reach these communities to develop the Clean Water project, with its social transformation and relief actions, because we have the airplane to transport us. 
We only got to where we are because we are a missionary aviation organization. Some places where we develop projects, on the banks of the Purus River, do not receive assistance from local governments and other organizations for long periods of the year, because it is very difficult to reach some communities. We only arrived because of aviation, and we develop work there that gives access to clean water and a better quality of life.”

Lack of water
suitable for consumption.

In the Purus River, where the Clean Water project is developed, the water is muddy and dark. However, it is this water that people who live in communities on the banks of the Purus River consume on a daily basis. 

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According to Eunice Bueno, health professionals and teachers who work in riverside communities always say that the vast majority of diseases are caused by contaminated water that is consumed by the population. 
“In our medical clinics in riverside communities, we always hear from volunteer doctors and local teachers that one of the biggest problems in the communities is the lack of access to clean water to drink. Medication is often given to the population in our services, but the health problems always return, because the source of the problem is the water that the population consumes.”
Faced with such a situation, Asas de Socorro implemented the Clean water project for curumins”, in the Purus River region, a
very difficult to access area and where many suffer from a lack of drinking water. 
Changing the water we drink, improving the lives of men, women, children and adults, in the interior of the Amazon rainforest.

“When we drank water, we chewed sand.
Now the water runs smoothly down the throat.”

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Many communities
in the interior of the Amazon and on the banks of the Purus River suffer from a lack of drinking water.

Many communities in the interior of the Amazon and on the banks of the Purus River suffer from a lack of drinking water.

Diseases caused by the consumption of impure water are common and the physical strain of carrying water, taken from the river, buckets, on your head, is exhausting.

Help us install new water treatment units in the Purus River communities.

Each unit costs $4.000,00 and benefits, for an unlimited period of time, around 50 families, or 250 people - as long as water consumption is necessary! In other words, forever, as long as there is life!

Clean water generates life!

Each water treatment unit to be installed produces 75 thousand liters of pure water per month and benefits an entire community, forever!

A blessing today and in the future!

Come with us to bless and
be blessed!

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CNPJ: 01.052.752/0001-69
Wings of Help

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It is important that at the end of your donation you add: R$ 0.30 – CLEAN ÁGUA PROJECT

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Asas de Socorro is a Christian missionary organization. Non-profit, charitable, philanthropic, cultural, educational, religious, social assistance and human rights entity. It develops cultural, educational and health programs, especially in regions lacking transportation and communication. We provide logistical support for assistance programs developed in remote areas.

Deposit accounts

Ag: 0240 CC: 55508-8


Bank of Brazil:  
Ag: 3005-8 CC: 55263-1

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CNPJ Asas de Socorro

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Copyright © Asas de Socorro - 2022.  CNPJ: 01.052.752/0001-69

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