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Newsletter | God answers Prayers


"He listened to the cry of a servant and brought these people here."

Patrine dos Santos

This year, the IDE Pauini project took place in the city of Pauini, deep in the interior of the Amazon. During the project, dentists, doctors of various specialties, pediatricians, general practitioners, gynecologists, surgeons, anesthetists, nurses, endoscopists, urologists—all volunteers—participated.

There were 86 surgeries performed, 353 exams conducted, and 1,511 consultations provided, including dental and medical (pediatrics, general practice, ophthalmology, etc). While working with children and youth, the sharing of God's word and love happened through service, biblical words—with approximately 700 participants, including young people and children.

Below is the testimony of one of the beneficiaries:


A medical team and a project as an answer to prayer.

"Arthur, my little Arthur, was born with a hernia above his belly button. When he was about two months old, I began to notice it, and it bothered me. I told him not to run too much, 'You can't play too much because I'm afraid you'll hurt yourself,' I said.

Time passed and today he's 8 years old. And I always prayed to God to open doors and guide us.

Here in Pauini, we don't have many resources. There are no proper equipment or professionals. Arthur would always ask me, 'Why can't I join the jiu-jitsu class?' And I explained to him that I was afraid his hernia would burst. And little by little, he started to understand.

There's a surgeon here, but there wasn't one available for him, nor were there adequate resources. And I kept praying to God. And God answered me. He sent a wonderful team. I have no words. They were wonderful and treated us very well.

When they said this team was coming here, I was very happy. I can only thank them and pray for the lives of these people who came to our town. I thank them from the bottom of my heart for what they did for me and for us. I pray for this team because coming here is difficult. It's very far away. It's in the Amazon.

I'm a mother, I'm a woman. I couldn't leave here to have this surgery done. I'm a hairdresser and don't have the means. But God is wonderful. He empowers and uses people to take care of His children. He listened to the cry of a servant and brought these people here." Patrine dos Santos


In November, we celebrated Thanksgiving Day, and at Asas, we couldn't let this day pass by unnoticed. Therefore, on the 24th, we held a service thanking the Lord for the many blessings He poured upon us, even in difficult times.

It was a great time of fellowship with our brothers and sisters, as well as being edified by the Word. We learned to look back with gratitude, to live in the present by calling on God, and to look towards the future with hope. The service was held at the Anápolis-GO hangar, but families from other bases participated through videos, as well as through online streaming.


  • 65 passengers transported

  • 4.5 tons of cargo delivered

  • 16 different destinations


At the end of October, the plan for the recovery and refurbishment of the Cessna 206G aircraft (PR-IPD) was developed. The plan consists of six stages, of which three have been completed. We thank the Lord and our partners who have supported us thus far. We ask for prayers for the next steps in the aircraft's refurbishment. Although the plane is at the Aeronautical Workshop in Anápolis-GO, there are no more resources to continue the project at the moment. Therefore, we rely on prayers and contributions from our brethren. We believe that God is powerful to provide what we need. Let us move forward so that God's love can reach even further.



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Asas de Socorro é uma organização cristã missionária. Entidade sem fins lucrativos, de caráter beneficente, filantrópico, cultural, educativo, religioso, de assistência social e de direitos humanos. Desenvolve programas culturais, educacionais e de saúde, especialmente nas regiões mais carentes de transporte e comunicação. Fornece apoio logístico para programas assistências desenvolvido em áreas remotas.

Contas para depósito

Ag: 0240 CC: 55508-8


Banco do Brasil:  
Ag: 3005-8 CC: 55263-1

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